Amoxicillin is a combined semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect and a wide spectrum of action. Amoxicillin is approved for use by WHO and is included in the list of essential drugs. The tool was invented in 1978 by scientists from the UK and 6 years later patented with the name Augmentin.
Pharmachologic effect
The drug acts on pathogenic microorganisms by inhibiting their synthesis. Amoxil is more effective against bacteria that have a sensitivity to it. The drug includes an inhibitor of clavulanic acid, enhancing its effect on pathogenic flora. Amoxicillin actively affects infections belonging to the aerobic gram-positive group (staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, clostridia). After the use of the drug, it is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, food intake does not affect the function of absorption. The active ingredient is able to easily overcome the hemato-cephalic and placental protective barrier in the body, its traces can be easily traced in breast milk.
The drug Amoxicillin 500 mg 12 Caps - indications for use
The presence of any type of infection caused by a pathogen of bacterial origin, with increased sensitivity to the specified drug. This category includes:
- Diseases DP (pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, pulmonary abscesses);
- ENT infections (otitis, tonsillitis);
- Diseases of the digestive tract (dysentery, salmonellosis);
- Diseases of the genitourinary system, including venereal and caused by postpartum infection;
- Skin diseases (erysipelas, abscesses, peritonitis, post-traumatic or postoperative infection).
Apply Amoxicillin is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to this group of antibiotics, infectious mononucleosis, measles, rash, phenylketonuria, the active phase of hepatitis, disorders of the liver. It is necessary to prescribe the drug with maximum precaution during pregnancy and lactation, acute liver and kidney failure, gastrointestinal diseases (caused by the use of antibiotics, including penicillin).
Application and dosage
The drug is intended for internal use, comes in tablets. The dosage and frequency of administration is determined individually and depends on the severity of the disease and the location of the infection. Adolescents and adults are given 125 or 250 mg of the drug at the rate of three times a day. In severe cases of the disease, Amoxil 500 mg 12 Caps is given three times a day or 1000 mg twice a day. Before reaching the age of 12 years, the release is provided in drip form or syrup. The daily dose is determined based on the age and weight of the young patient. For injection and in / with the drug, adults are prescribed 1.2 grams 3 times a day.
Side effects and overdose
The drug has a number of side effects, often occurring at high sensitivity to antibiotics or exceeding the maximum allowable dose:
- Digestive tract: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
- Nervous system: headaches, convulsive syndrome, anxiety, moral tension, hyperactivity;
- Allergic reactions: local rash, dermatitis, erythema, neurological edema, anaphylactic shock.
Overdose of the drug leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the water balance of the cellular structure of the body. Assist symptomatic with discontinuation of the drug. When treating a patient, it is necessary to regularly monitor their condition, before prescribing the drug, to determine the presence of allergic reactions in the history and sensitivity to the penicillin group of antibiotics.
Reviews Amoxil Amoxicillin 500 mg 12 Caps
2018.08.30 10:08:39
Pages: 1
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