Please consult your physician before taking any medication. ACID GAMMA-AMINO-BETA-HIDROXIBUTÍRICO THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS: It is indicated in the alterations of the character and the conduct. In the neuroses with psychosomatic manifestations. Like complementary medicine during pre and post-operative of lábiles psicoemotivos patients. During the hormonal changes due to the feminine and masculine climacteric. In the pre-menstrual tension. It is indicated in patients with deficiencies in the synthesis of the GABOB, like additional treatment to other anticonvulsive ones in the refractory epilepsy. Also it is indicated like helping in the treatment of psycho-social upheavals, anxiety, depression, some upheavals of the dream and infantile hyperactivity. Gamibetal may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.
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