If its all the same to you advise your specialist before taking any medication. Supportive INDICATIONS: The astounding of dispépticos indications that are connected regularly with supported off gastric clearing, gastroesofágico ebb tide and esofagitis: - Sensation of satiety at epigástrico level, brilliant satiety, vibe of stomach distension, torment in the guts unrivaled. - Belches, fart. - Nauseas and heaves. - Pirosis with or without spewings of the gastric substance in the mouth. - Nausea and retches of reason utilitarian, common, overpowering or dietetic or actuated by x-shaft or farmacoterapia. A specific sign is ailment and spews influenced by dopamine agonists, in the same route as which they are used as a piece of the disease of Parkinson (as bromocriptina L-drugs and). Motilium may moreover be used for purposes other than those recorded in this arrangement
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Reviews Motilium Domperidone Suspension 60 ml
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